Kaleidoscope of Butterflies Workshops

The Kaleidoscope of butterflies installation began in May during Dayton’s city wide arts festival Art in The City. Butterflies symbolize change and hope; during the community celebration  people were invited to set an intention as they drew/colored on transparent film. Windows of the Main Branch of Dayton Metro Library’s opportunity space filled with butterflies the public created. The installation continued to grow throughout the summer culminating with the Library’s ArtsNEXT event in September.

But the project continues!

Seeing the need for arts-related wellness experiences in the community after more than two years of the pandemic, Culture Work partnered with Montgomery County to sponsor a free two-day workshop for artists to consider the work they do daily in a therapeutic way and create programs to bring the arts into the workplace to encourage wellness and healing for an emotionally battered workforce – particularly in the healthcare and social services areas.

Leesa is bringing the Kaleidoscope project to  Premier Health as part of their “find your center” art and wellness campaign. She enjoys helping businesses improve employee well-being through the arts. If you would like to schedule a butterfly making workshop for your group please contact leesa@leesahaapapuro.com.